This classroom continues on with our Christ centered care through Bible stories, scriptures, music and prayer. Your child will be learning through play in intentionally planned activities that are strategic in teaching the skills your child needs. Counting, colors, shapes and beginning introduction to letters are the primary academic focus; along with vocabulary building and directional word understanding. Sharing, entering a play group successfully, problem solving, taking turns, self-soothing, using their words, washing hands, blowing noses.... are some of the many social-emotional and independent skills that are taught in this room as well. Intertwine all of these with snack times, breakfast, lunch, indoor play, outdoor time, music and movement, nature and exploratory walks and you will find that this room offers a well-rounded program to meet every child's individual needs which helps them to grow and expand their knowledge of their world. Children in this room are feeding independently, drinking from sippy cups (no bottles) and are taking one nap a day. Meet our Staff Here.
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